The Best At or The Most

This page identifies just what I love about some of my friends and loved ones. 
Each category is not in any particular order and there are no number one’s, I’m afraid.

Brenden Schultz


He has an ideal physique, his recent tattoos are incredibly attractive, and he exudes a charming, gentle, and courteous demeanor. He undoubtedly possesses the most captivating sex appeal.

Tim Hila


Handsome, mild-mannered, and completely straight, yet completely gay-friendly.

Melanie Low


Just everything I love about women… feisty, gutsy, strong, attractive and I bet she’s a good snog too.



Handsome face, boyish charm that seems innocent (even though he isn’t) and is sex.

Kelly Alton


I love making Kelly laugh and when she does, it feels from deep within. Her laughter is also most addictive, but better than that… she gets every single snippet of humour that I attempt.

Maggie Ward


Maggie’s laugh was the most addictive and outrageous. She had me laughing at just her laugh alone. The most fun woman… that’s the biggest loss.

David Jack


There are moments that had both of us helpless with laughter, sometimes things he’d say and sometimes something that I may have said. Most of our telephone conversations exceeded an hour because we’d spend too long laughing. We were also tuned in to the very same wave length of hilarity… hahaha.

Sarah Barnett


Sarah and I working together was a lethal cocktail of uncertainty for every one else, but for us… well, I’d pay to do it again for just a day. Another one of my friends who are instantly tuned in to my sense of humour.

Kate Gardener


The laugh… just the best laugh in the world.

Vicki Gardener


Always wanting to laugh, Vicki is capable of finding me funny, anywhere and at any time and like Kelly, she just gets it… any time I’m trying to be funny.

Tony Fisher


A pure genius of everything funny, spiteful and camp. I used to make him laugh a lot more in the earlier days… he’d say that it’s only because I’m not as funny but really, it’s because he was a vile bitch! HAHAHA!

Nikki Caiger


My sister and friend. Nik can find something funny to say about any given situation and very often, she does. Every car journey, every friendly gathering is a lot funnier with Nik around.

Debbie Gray


We have so much history together that was a ‘laugh a minute,’ that we could spend the same amount of time and hilarity recalling it all and laughing all over again.


Made me laugh every day.

Nikki Caiger


My sister. She knows how to have fun and combine it with a whiff of professionalism that no one noticed when we were having such a good time.

Barbara Johnson


When I worked with Barbara, she was always willing to have a laugh without it ever offending anyone. She was also incredibly funny and has a very infectious laugh.

Maria Abberley


Maria and I worked together at the SCILL soup kitchen! Lol. Everything about those times volunteering with Maria makes me smile… some of the outrageous things we got up to still make me laugh out aloud now.

Liz Bovingdon


I just adored working with Liz, and I’ve documented before that she was key to the longevity of my job where we worked together. She was outrageously camp and very funny.

Pete Friedlos


Some of my funniest times ever in the workplace were with Pete. Whether it was in Madame Jo Jo’s or in a minicab office, Pete’s amazingly clever and intelligent wit kept us all going for the entire shift.

Amanda Cradock


Always have a giggle with Amanda, and sometimes it’s because she said something funny. LOL. But seriously, Amanda will always find a lighter side to any given situation, which is fab and completely harmonies with my sense of humour.

David Jack


I just loved singing with David… it brought the best out in me… hahaha… no, it was his ability to harmonise with the raucous that I was screeching out.

Emma Browne


Emma was able to add entertainment factor to any song I duetted with her… one of my favourites was Reunited by Peaches & Herb.

Vicki Gardener


You To Me Are Everything by The Real Thing was the song that I remember most as a real duet at karaoke, but others include More Than Words by Extreme and Always And Forever by Heatwave. No mics or stage… just us two, in her car, screaming! Lol!

Noel East


What I loved about Noel was that if he knew the song at all, he’d get up and have a go and was usually fabulous. And then, when he’d had one too many, he’d get up and have a go even if he didn’t know it! Hahaha!

Liz Bovingdon


Now Liz is not supposed to be ‘gay camp’ because she wasn’t gay at all… so quite why she has the title of the campest woman ever… is anyone’s guess. No, really… camp-er than Su Pollard by miles.

Tony Fisher


Well you would not necessarily know that Tony was camp – not all the time he was stood still, not talking. But if he took the dog for a walk (that was him in tight jeans and the miniature pincer on a pink lead and both of them wearing matching pink bows). All becomes quite clear why he should be featured in this section.

Melanie Low


Always upstaging me if we’re ever out together and has the prowess to pull it off totally.

Miranda Hila


Just so stunning in looks alone, but she is so fashionable… stunning.

Tim Hila


Tim is gorgeous and then tops it up with his clothes… wherever he is, he always looks smart and gorgeous.

Michèle Alton


Tim is gorgeous and then tops it up with his clothes… wherever he is, he always looks smart and gorgeous.

Peter Friedlos


I think Pete teaches me a new word each time I talk to him… hahaha! But more than that, with his Father, Pete has taught me so much over the decades. He continues to be smart and is always ahead of any conversation. He’s also articulate and entertaining to listen to.

David Jack


David will always be my favourite telephone buddy… I loved and cherished my phone calls with him because he had such an entertaining way of teaching me stuff. And I wouldn’t retain it, if it said by anyone else, (with a possible exception to James May, Tony Robinson or David Attenborough from off the telly), but it’s also information that I was unlikely to use or even need, and yet I still loved learning it.n to.



Having this man in my life helped me to develop any skills when handling challenging situations with more diplomacy, tact, and intelligence. He’d spend a lot of his time helping and guiding me, also with emails, letter writing, as well as how to behave.

Nigel May


What Nigel has achieved in his life, how popular he is with everyone, including on Facebook and just how wonderful he is to know and the fun I’ve had just listening to him… I wouldn’t complain if we switched personalities for a day, but I’m sure I’d be exhausted.

Mike Osborn


Mike has made a wonderful and enviable lifestyle. I hold him in high esteem because his achievements are normally associated with a more brutal personality, but Mike is humble, sweet, and loveable.

Mike Keogh


One of the hardest working guys I know, and he’s done it all by himself. He’s also incredibly self-less and a good friend to know and have around.

Barbara Johnson


Another friend who manages it alone… can do it all by herself, but Barbara’s stamina is outstanding too. She has an energy that pours out, and it’s amazing to watch and be in the company of.

Jezz Alton


The most reliable, flawless person in my world. I can rely on Jezz for everything… he understands me more than anyone else has ever done, ever! Jezz may wear the trousers in our relationship with many decisions, but he never says ‘no’ to me.

Nikki Caiger


As well as being the funniest woman I know, my dear sister is someone who I have realised I can count on, completely. Not that I’ve needed to, but I love knowing that she has my back and would defend me in any given circumstance is reassuring and fab.

Nick Ward


Despite many of Nick’s quirky traits, no one can dispute just how there he is for anyone that really needs him. I feel very comfortable and reassured knowing that if I phoned him and said I need you right now… he’d get in his car and come to me… whatever time of the day. Nick is so reliable like that, he probably wouldn’t even ask why before getting dressed and making his way to his car. Excellent feeling, that is.

Amanda Cradock


I don’t know how she does it. She’s an incredibly unselfish person. It feels like she exists for others, she is there completely, as I’m sure she’ll say about me… what? But I am! Lol. I have a total guarantee and cast-iron assurance that if Amanda can find it, make it, acquire it compile it, buy it… she will. Each of those I can give an example of, making her a first class sister and life-long friend.

David Jack


David and I could be on the phone, without speaking and identical thoughts would just happen, unexpectedly but never in a frightening way.

David Wallis


When my DD was alive, we’d spend a lot of time together talking and reflecting on life and all the problems that go with it, but there was an unspoken feeling on top of that. I feel that we knew what each other were thinking… it wasn’t perfect because if it was, I’d have known more about just poorly he was… then again… he was good at not letting-on too.

Kelly Alton


It’s got to be just a paternal thing with Kels and me, but I feel her pain, I feel her upset and frustration in a way that I can’t with anyone else… David J is close, but Kelly can transmit her deepest inner self like a Wi-Fi device, and I’ve got it, in seconds and more than that… I feel it as though I were her. Weird, but I wouldn’t trade it for a million bucks.

Wendy Majewska


Working herself to an early grave… she never stops. Day and night. How her family put up with it is anyone’s guess.

Nikki Caiger


One of the hardest working people I know… not just with her full-time day work but how energetic she is afterwards for her entire family.

Kelly Alton


How my gorgeous daughter crams in being sociable with her job, the grand children and the man in her life… it’s a wonder I get to see her at all. And when I do, she is fresh and wonderful and behaves like she doesn’t have a care in the world. Incredible lady.

Amanda Cradock


Amanda is one of a very people who seems to hold it all together when it’s all getting too much. The strength I’ve seen from this lady, when most of us, would have thrown in the towel, is astounding. Pressures of personal and family life, coupled with the issues of her working environment, and then compounded by the stress and pressure of moving home… unbelievable!

Barbara Johnson


Full daytime job, part-time evening work, full-time Grandmother and friend. Amazing. Seriously, not bad for a pensioner… I’m so impressed with how she manages to keep it altogether.

Debbie Gray


Just an amazing sign of strength and stamina, and I’m sensitive enough to know when the cracks are showing, but when I think of all you’ve been through in one go, well done, olé pal. Just awesome power.

Zoe Alton


How on earth do you manage to stay so composed? I’m not sure if I fully understand everything, Zo, because of the sensitive and confidential nature of some things, but you’re truly remarkable at holding yourself and the entire family together simultaneously. It’s truly remarkable.


Amanda is, hands down, the very best person ever, for knowing what to buy as a gift for someone. And if she isn’t, her ability to always find the right gift is amazing.

Michael Charlton


MC is an absolute genius with anything to do with wood. He has such an incredible way with visualising and is the best creator that I know.

David Jack


normally useless but totally fascinating knowledge that I would never tire of.

Wendy Majewska


Wendy is a good letter writer and can light up any work that I’ve done by a quick read through and total re-write.

Michael Charlton


has such a natural rhythm and ability to move with music that you would have thought he’d have been professionally trained.

Sarah Williams


Willsy was the best person I knew, that can spot the minutest of grammatical error.

Nick Ward


excellent and most competent driver that I’ve ever known.

Dave Bacon


just very passionate at kissing and, obviously, memorable

Vicki Gardener


remembering the tiniest of detail and recalling it, verbatim, is both powerful and annoying.

Jezz Alton


can fit everything in to no space at all and know where it is months later.

Public speaking
Public speaking began at my sister Nikki’s wedding reception in 2006, though I wasn’t particularly skilled at it then. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to read at various funerals, including those of Ron, Dad, Maggie, Donald, David, Aunty Gwen, Sarah Williams, and David Jack. Each time, I’ve felt a slight improvement in my delivery. My most recent experience was delivering a 22-minute self-written debut standup comedy set, which served as the Groom’s Speech at my wedding.

I’ve often been complimented on my singing by others, both at karaoke bars and from forced audiences who endured my songs. Whether it be on CD or live in FaceTime calls.

Driving is something I consider myself to be very proficient at. As a professional, I’ve been a courier, handling the stress and pressures of driving and parking in and around Central and South London. I’ve also been a chauffeur in American stretched limousines (six and eight-seater) and luxury cars like the Mercedes S Class, the Bentley Arnage, and the BMW 760i. Driving my own cars and using motorways feels incredibly natural to me. I often joke that I could drive with my eyes closed, but I’m not serious!

On the rare occasions when my friends and family members seek my advice about their current issues, I’m delighted to hear that they feel better afterward. My daughter has often complimented me on my understanding and non-judgmental nature. My sisters have both remarked on my excellent listening skills, and I’m flattered that I’ve earned that title, especially since I’m usually quite talkative.

DJing is likely regarded as an ‘old school’ style of radio presenting these days, but I’ve had a lot of experience with it. I started when I was 13 years old, working in hospital radio, and then again in the late eighties, for pirate radio. And in between those times, as a mobile disco outfit, DJ’ing at house parties and in youth clubs, event halls and a couple of outdoor parties too.

Letter writing
I’ve always been confident in compiling letters for both business and personal purposes, even though I’m not an expert. I have a good knowledge of the English language and dictionary. Friends and family have often used my letter-writing skills, from job applications and CV design to letters of complaint.

Computer teaching
I believe my ‘hands-on’ approach is the most effective method for teaching someone else how to use a computer. Standing behind the person and guiding them through the process helps them grasp the exact steps involved in performing a task, reducing the likelihood of forgetting what they’ve learned. Afterward, a quick recap session can be a fun and positive way to reinforce the knowledge.

Musical knowledge
Musical knowledge (chart songs from the 1960s to the 1990s) – I recall a lot of the information I learned about chart music, positions, band names, and song titles from 1977 to 1980 (my specialist year was 1979). I hosted a chart show on hospital radio and also collected the Top 40 listing while at school on Tuesdays afternoons. I would listen to Paul Burnett on Radio 1 in the park with my transistor radio during lunch breaks.

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