These are individual photos of Wayne’s family members, with description and relationship status. The list is in alphabetical order and includes those who, sadly, are no longer with us.
Alfie In the bathroom, during a radical haircut during Covid-19
Amanda Half-sister and daughter of our Mother.
Anthony Nephew and son of my sister, Michele.
Betty Dad’s partner for 40 something years.
Billy Nephew and son of my sister Nikki.
Bob Cousin-in-law and my cousin Brenda’s, husband.
Brenda Cousin and daughter of my Aunty Gwen.
Brian Cousin and son of my Aunty Gwen.
Carl Half-sister, Sara’s son.
Charlie Nephew and youngest of three to my sister, Nikki
Chris Daughter’s ex-husband and my son-in-law.
Dad My father.
Debbie Ex-partner and Mother to my daughter, Kelly.
Ella Great-niece and daughter of my niece Stacey.
Ethan Grandson and son of my daughter, Kelly.
Freddie Great-nephew and son of my niece, Zoe.
Gran Grandmother and my Dad’s Mother.
Grandpa Grandfather and Gran’s husband and Dad’s Dad.
Gwen Aunty Gwen and daughter of my Grandmother and Dad’s sister.
Indie Holly & Jordan’s daughter.
Jake Grandson and son to my daughter.
Jamie Half-sister, Amanda’s first son.
Jodie Great niece, Sara’s daughter.
Jordan Half-sister Amanda’s second son.
Kelly My incredible daughter.
Lila Great-niece and daughter of my nephew Charlie.
Lucci Great nephew and Charlie and Nicole’s first son
Michèle My sister.
Mother My mother.
Neil Nephew-in-law, partner to my niece Zoe.
Nikki My sister.
Caiger Paul, brother-in-law and husband to my sister Nikki.
Sara Half-sister and daughter of our Mother.
Shae Great nephew and Charlie and Nicole’s second son
Spencer Nephew-in-law and husband to my niece Stacey.
Stacey Niece and my sister, Nikki’s second-eldest daughter.
Teddy Great-nephew and son to my niece Stacey.
Zoe Niece and my sister, Nikki’s eldest daughter.