A panoramic photo taken in the bar, on the Pier, with Wayne positioning himself three times, as Jezz takes the shot.
Jezz, Nik and I planned a day out while Jezz was off for a week. We headed out around 10am to miss the school hour and took the M23 and A24 to Worthing. The journey took around 1 hour and 15 minutes and the weather was absolutely perfect, if not a little too hot. After finding a parking space for three hours, we headed off to the town centre and walked through the open market, trying to stay in the shade. Jezz then found a Wimpy in town by looking on his phone, and we went there for lunch. Then, after moving the car to a new spot along the parade, we got an ice cream and went to the pier. We all had a go on the 2p machines, went for a drink in the bar and took more photos. After a stroll around M&S, we went back to the car and came home. A brilliant and excellent day out… here are the photos.
A kind lady walking by took some photos of the three of us, outside Worthing PierThe Rainbow Trouts – A selife in the barNikki, in the barRelaxing with half a pint in the bar at the end of PierNik and Wayne addicted to a 2p machineNik, still in the pubA lone photo of Wayne, at a lampost on the Pier, taken by NikkiNik on the PierJezz and Wayne, blowing bubbles on the pierAnother photo of Wayne on the Pier, taken by NikkiLunchtime selfie in the WimpyPhoto opportunity – Wayne poses at a stroller for the elderlyJezz snaps a photo of a man on the promNik with her ice cream on the promWayne, taking a day off from diabetes controlAn LGBT+ flag flies with others on the PierWayne takes a photo from the Pier and applies a filter